Ara w:user talk:Chrisportelli



Good afternoon Chrisportelli, I thank you a lot for your good translations in the template "Template:Wiktionarysister". Best regards. --Sarvaturi 12:29, 15 Awwissu 2008 (UTC)Wieġeb

  • You are welcome, I am very happy to helping Maltese people. Your language, Maltese language, is very beautiful and we must make it more known to other people (Italians, Spanyards, Frenches, Englishes, etc.). This project of Maltese wiktionary is very good, I only wikificated some little things and I added some words in the database. In the next days, weeks and months I will add other words and expressions here (we must increase the number of entries). Have a great day, best regards. :-) --Sarvaturi 12:49, 15 Awwissu 2008 (UTC)Wieġeb



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Thank you

Best regards, --għasfur (:> )=| 18:39, 6 Awwissu 2009 (UTC)Wieġeb



Hello Chris, congratulations for being now administrator!

I need some help:

  • Could you please help me translating "Francoprovençal" in Maltese? I suppose that it could be something like "Franko-Provenzal" (see the name "Serbo-Kroat", from "Serb" and "Kroat").
  • I found on line: "Ispanjol"/"Spanjol" (es), "Isvediż"/"Svediż" (sv), "Gallegan"/"Gallegjan" (gl), "Litwan"/"Litwanjan" (lv), "Korsikan"/"Korsiku" (co), "Amħariku"/"Amħarik" (am), "Belarussu"/"Belarussjan" (be), "Tibetan"/"Tibetjan" (bo), "Bożnijaku"/"Bosnijan" (bs), "Kamorro"/"Ċamorro" (ch), "Kuvaxx"/"Ċuvax" (chv), "Fiġi"/"Fiġjan" (fj, fg), "Faroeiż"/"Fawriż" (fo), "Gujarati"/"Guġarati" (gu), "Manks"/"Manx" (gv), "Ħawsa"/"Ħausa" (ha), "Iżlandiż"/"Islandiż" (is), "Każak"/"Kazak" (kk), "Kurd"/"Kurdiż" (ku), "Kornixx"/"Korniku" (kw), "Nepali"/"Nepaliż" (ne), "Sard"/"Sardinjan" (sc), "Samoan"/"Samojan" (sm), "Turkmeni"/"Turkman" (tk), do you know if we must choose a form particularly?
  • What language is "Galliku"? Is it "Galliku Skoċċiż" (Scottish Gaelic, gd)?

For the names of languages, the sources that I used are these websites:

Thank you in advance. Best regards. --Sarvaturi 19:11, 8 Awwissu 2009 (UTC)Wieġeb

Hi Sarvaturi. Thanks again for your help on our Wiktionary. These are my answers to your questions:

  • I need to check out regarding the "Francoprovençal" thing. I am not certain of what is the correct Maltese translation. I will inform you later about this word.
  • The Maltese translations of language names has always been a type of dispute in the Maltese language, since there aren't any strict decisions for certain language names. From the list you had gave me I can propose you these translations (they are in the form of "language with the article/their name without the article"): "l-Ispanjol/Spanjol", "l-Iżvediż/Żvediż", "il-Litwan/Litwan", "il-Korsiku/Korsiku", "il-Belaruss/Belaruss", "it-Tibetan/Tibetan", "il-Bożnijaku/Bożnijaku", "il-Fiġjan/Fiġjan", "il-Ħaws/Ħaws", "l-Iżlandiż/Iżlandiż", "il-Każak/Każak", "il-Kurd/Kurd", "il-Korniku/Korniku", "is-Sard/Sard", "it-Turkmen/Turkmen". I need to check out the other languages and try to leave a message on's village pump.

Hope I have helped. I'll talk to you later. —Chrisportelli 10:09, 9 Awwissu 2009 (UTC)Wieġeb

Try check this link for the Maltese language names [1]. —Chrisportelli 14:29, 10 Awwissu 2009 (UTC)Wieġeb



Hi Chris, alright for Żvediż, I edited again the redirect page Svediż. Thank you. Best regards. --Sarvaturi 23:47, 14 Ġunju 2010 (UTC)Wieġeb

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