Stampa:Apricot and cross section.jpg

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English: Apricot and its cross section isolated on a white background.
Sors Opra proprja
Awtur Fir0002


flagstaffotos [at]
Canon 20D + Sigma 150mm f/2.8

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 This is a featured picture on the Ingliż language Wikipedia (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Persjan language Wikipedia (نگاره‌های برگزیده) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Tork language Wikipedia (Seçkin resimler) and is considered one of the finest images.

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depicts Ingliż

copyrighted Ingliż

media type Ingliż


checksum Ingliż


data size Ingliż

381,687 byte

height Ingliż

989 pixel

width Ingliż

1,910 pixel

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kurrenti00:56, 22 Jannar 2009Minjatura tal-verżjoni ta' 00:56, 22 Jannar 20091,910 × 989 (373 KB)Fir0002Apricot and its cross section isolated on a white background. {{Fir0002 150}} Category:Apricot <!--{{ImageUpload|basic}}-->

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