Ir-reġistri pubbliċi kollha
Ġabra sħiħa tar-reġistri kollha ta' Wikizzjunarju. Tista' tqassar il-kriterji ta' tfittxija billi tagħżel it-tip ta' reġistru, l-isem tal-utent, jew il-paġna affetwata (it-tnejn tal-aħħar huma sensittivi għal kif jinkitbu l-karattri).
- 04:00, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:R:pt:Michaelis (Inħolqot paġna b'"{{cite-web|pt |entryurl={{urlencode:{{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}}}} |entry={{{1|{{PAGENAME}}}}} |work=Michaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa |publisher=Editora Melhoramentos |location=São Paulo |start_year=2015 |year={{CURRENTYEAR}}}}")
- 02:42, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:-ref- (Inħolqot paġna b'"<div style="font-size:110%; border-bottom:1px dashed #AAA; padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .17em;">30px Referenzi</div><noinclude>{{#if:{{{1|}}}|[[Kategorija:Nomi {{Ling-p|{{{1}}}}}]]}} <noinclude> noun</noinclude>")
- 00:45, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:bor (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:borrowed) Tag: New redirect
- 00:44, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:borrowed (Inħolqot paġna b'"<includeonly>{{#invoke:etymology/templates/borrowed|borrowed}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{borrowed|mt|en|term}}</noinclude>")
- 00:43, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:etymology/templates/internal (Inħolqot paġna b'"-- For internal use only with Module:etymology/templates and its submodules. local process_params = require("Module:parameters").process local export = {} do local function get_params(frame, has_text, no_family) local alias_of_t = {alias_of = "t"} local boolean = {type = "boolean"} local plain = {} local params = { [1] = { required = true, type = "language", default = "und" }, [2] = { required = true, sublist = true, type...")
- 00:43, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:etymology/templates/borrowed (Inħolqot paġna b'"local export = {} local etymology_module = "Module:etymology" local etymology_multi_module = "Module:etymology/multi" local etymology_templates_internal_module = "Module:etymology/templates/internal" function export.borrowed(frame) local args, lang, term, sources = require(etymology_templates_internal_module).parse_2_lang_args(frame) if sources then return require(etymology_multi_module).format_multi_borrowed { lang = lang, sc =, sources = sources...")
- 00:08, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:cog (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:cognate) Tag: New redirect
- 00:07, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:cognate (Inħolqot paġna b'"<includeonly>{{#invoke:etymology/templates/cognate|cognate}}</includeonly><!-- --><noinclude>{{cognate|en|test}}</noinclude>")
- 00:06, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:etymology (Inħolqot paġna b'"local export = {} -- For testing local force_cat = false local function term_error(terminfo) if terminfo.lang:hasType("family") then if terminfo.term and terminfo.term ~= "-" then require("Module:debug/track")("etymology/family/has-term") end terminfo.term = "-" end return terminfo end local function create_link(terminfo, template_name) local link = "" if terminfo.term == "-" then --[=[ [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Wiktionary:Tracking/cognate/no-te...")
- 00:05, 1 Diċembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:etymology/templates/cognate (Inħolqot paġna b'"local export = {} local etymology_module = "Module:etymology" local etymology_multi_module = "Module:etymology/multi" local process_params = require("Module:parameters").process do local function get_args(parent_args) local alias_of_t = {alias_of = "t"} local plain = {} return process_params(parent_args, { [1] = { required = true, sublist = true, type = "language", family = true, default = "und" }, [2] = plain, [3] = {alias_of =...")
- 07:18, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:languages/data/exceptional (Inħolqot paġna b'"local m_lang = require("Module:languages") local m_langdata = require("Module:languages/data") local u = require("Module:string utilities").char local c = m_langdata.chars local p = m_langdata.puaChars local s = m_langdata.shared local m = {} m["aav-khs-pro"] = { "Proto-Khasian", 116773216, "aav-khs", "Latn", type = "reconstructed", } m["aav-nic-pro"] = { "Proto-Nicobarese", 116773793, "aav-nic", "Latn", type = "reconstructed", } m["aav-pkl-pro"] = { "P...")
- 07:16, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:languages/data/3/e (Inħolqot paġna b'"local m_lang = require("Module:languages") local m_langdata = require("Module:languages/data") local u = require("Module:string utilities").char local c = m_langdata.chars local p = m_langdata.puaChars local s = m_langdata.shared local m = {} m["ebg"] = { "Ebughu", 35294, "nic-lcr", "Latn", } m["ebk"] = { "Eastern Bontoc", 62664215, "phi", "Latn", } m["ebr"] = { "Ebrié", 36644, "alv-ptn", "Latn", } m["ebu"] = { "Embu", 35318, "bnt-kka", "Latn", }...")
- 07:15, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:languages/data/3/d (Inħolqot paġna b'"local m_lang = require("Module:languages") local m_langdata = require("Module:languages/data") local u = require("Module:string utilities").char local c = m_langdata.chars local p = m_langdata.puaChars local s = m_langdata.shared local m = {} m["daa"] = { "Dangaléat", 942591, "cdc-est", "Latn", } m["dac"] = { "Dambi", 12629491, "poz-ocw", "Latn", } m["dad"] = { "Marik", 6763404, "poz-ocw", "Latn", } m["dae"] = { "Duupa", 35263, "alv-dur", "Latn",...")
- 07:14, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:languages/data/3/a (Inħolqot paġna b'"local m_lang = require("Module:languages") local m_langdata = require("Module:languages/data") local u = require("Module:string utilities").char local c = m_langdata.chars local p = m_langdata.puaChars local s = m_langdata.shared local m = {} m["aaa"] = { "Ghotuo", 35463, "alv-yek", "Latn", } m["aab"] = { "Alumu-Tesu", 35034, "nic-alu", "Latn", } m["aac"] = { "Ari", 1811224, "paa-pag", "Latn", } m["aad"] = { "Amal", 56708, "paa-iwm", "Latn", } --...")
- 07:12, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:languages/code to canonical (Inħolqot paġna b'"return { ["aa"] = "Afar", ["aaa"] = "Ghotuo", ["aab"] = "Alumu-Tesu", ["aac"] = "Ari", ["aad"] = "Amal", ["aaf"] = "Aranadan", ["aag"] = "Ambrak", ["aah"] = "Abu'", ["aai"] = "Arifama-Miniafia", ["aak"] = "Ankave", ["aal"] = "Afade", ["aan"] = "Anambé", ["aap"] = "Pará Arára", ["aaq"] = "Penobscot", ["aas"] = "Aasax", ["aau"] = "Abau", ["aav-khs-pro"] = "Proto-Khasian", ["aav-nic-pro"] = "Proto-Nicobarese", ["aav-pkl-pro"] = "Proto-Pnar-Khasi-Lyngn...")
- 07:11, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:languages/canonical names (Inħolqot paġna b'"return { ["'Are'are"] = "alu", ["A'ou"] = "aou", ["A-Hmao"] = "hmd", ["A-Pucikwar"] = "apq", ["Aari"] = "aiw", ["Aasax"] = "aas", ["Aba"] = "utp", ["Abaga"] = "abg", ["Abai"] = "poz-abi", ["Abai Sungai"] = "abf", ["Abanyom"] = "abm", ["Abau"] = "aau", ["Abaza"] = "abq", ["Abenaki"] = "abe", ["Abenlen Ayta"] = "abp", ["Abidji"] = "abi", ["Abinomn"] = "bsa", ["Abipón"] = "axb", ["Abishira"] = "ash", ["Abkhaz"] = "ab", ["Abom"] = "aob", ["Abon"] = "a...")
- 07:09, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:families/data (Inħolqot paġna b'"--[=[ This module contains definitions for all language family codes on Wiktionary. ]=]-- local m_lang = require("Module:languages") local m = {} m["aav"] = { "Austroasiatic", 33199, aliases = {"Austro-Asiatic"}, } m["aav-khs"] = { "Khasian", 3073734, "aav", aliases = {"Khasic"}, } m["aav-nic"] = { "Nicobarese", 217380, "aav", } m["aav-pkl"] = { "Pnar-Khasi-Lyngngam", nil, "aav-khs", } m["afa"] = { "Afroasiatic", 25268, aliases = {"Afro-Asiatic"},...")
- 07:08, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:etymology languages/data (Inħolqot paġna b'"local m_lang = require("Module:languages") local m_langdata = require("Module:languages/data") local u = require("Module:string utilities").char local c = m_langdata.chars local p = m_langdata.puaChars local s = m_langdata.shared local m = {} -- Ainu varieties m["ain-hok"] = { "Hokkaido Ainu", 20968488, "ain", aliases = {"Hokkaidō Ainu"}, } m["ain-kur"] = { "Kuril Ainu", 20967012, "ain", } m["ain-sak"] = { "Sakhalin Ainu", 20747371, "ain", } -- Akan v...")
- 07:06, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:languages/error (Inħolqot paġna b'" --[=[ Throw an error for an invalid language code or script code. `lang_code` (required) is the bad code and can be nil or a non-string. `param` (required) is the name of the parameter in which the code was contained. It can be a string, a number (for a numeric param, in which case the param will show up in the error message as an ordinal such as "first" or "second"), or `true` if no parameter can be clearly identified. It can also be a function of one argument (an...")
- 06:27, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:lit (Inħolqot paġna b'"{{#invoke:checkparams|warn}}<!-- Validate template parameters -->{{#if:{{{nocap|}}}|l|L}}itteralment{{#if:{{{nocomma|}}}||,}} ''{{m-g|{{{1}}}}}''{{#if:{{{2|}}}|, or more loosely translated as ''{{m-g|{{{2}}}}}}}''")
- 06:23, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:mg (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:mention-gloss) Tag: New redirect
- 06:22, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:m-g (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:mention-gloss) Tag: New redirect
- 06:21, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:mention-gloss (Inħolqot paġna b'"<span class="mention-gloss-double-quote">“</span><span class="mention-gloss">{{{1}}}</span><span class="mention-gloss-double-quote">”</span>")
- 04:45, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:cite-web (Inħolqot paġna b'"<includeonly>{{#invoke:quote|cite_t | alias = chapter: title,webpage; trans-chapter: trans-title,trans-webpage; chapterurl: titleurl,webpageurl; chapter_tlr: webpage_tlr; chapter_series: webpage_series; chapter_seriesvolume: webpage_seriesvolume; chapter_number: webpage_number; chapter_plain: title_plain,webpage_plain; title: site,work; trans-title: trans-site,trans-work; | noroman = chapter }}</includeonly><!-- --><noinclude>{{c...")
- 03:41, 30 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:cite-book (Inħolqot paġna b'"<includeonly>{{#invoke:quote|cite_t|type=book }}</includeonly><!-- --><noinclude>{{cite-book|en|author=F[rancis] Scott Fitzgerald|authorlink=F. Scott Fitzgerald|chapter=IX|title=The Great Gatsby|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Charles Scribner’s Sons|year=1925|oclc=884653065|location2=New York, N.Y.|publisher2=Charles Scribner’s Sons|year2=1953|isbn2=978-0-684-16498-4|page2=182|pageurl2=")
- 23:24, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:quote-book (Inħolqot paġna b'"<includeonly>{{#invoke:quote|quote_t|type=book}}</includeonly><!-- --><noinclude>{{quote-book|en|author=F[rancis] Scott Fitzgerald|authorlink=F. Scott Fitzgerald|chapter=IX|title=The Great Gatsby|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Charles Scribner’s Sons|year=1925|oclc=884653065|location2=New York, N.Y.|publisher2=Charles Scribner’s Sons|year2=1953|isbn2=978-0-684-16498-4|page2=182|pageurl2=")
- 23:23, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:check isxn (Inħolqot paġna b'"-- This template is a copy of the ISXN validation code from Module:Citation/CS1 -- which allows for validating ISBN, ISMN, and ISSN without invoking a citation template local export = {} --[[--------------------------< IS _ V A L I D _ I S X N >----------------------------------------------------- ISBN-10 and ISSN validator code calculates checksum across all isbn/issn digits including the check digit. ISBN-13 is checked in check_isbn(). If the number is valid th...")
- 23:22, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:roman numerals (Inħolqot paġna b'"local roman_dict = {M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1} local repeatable = {M = true, C = true, X = true, I = true} local roman_table = {'M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I'} local arabic_table = {1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1 } local export = {} local function nil_or_error(msg, no_error) if no_error then return nil else error(msg, 2) end end function export.arabic...")
- 23:21, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:number utilities (Inħolqot paġna b'"local export = {} function export.get_number(text) if text == '' or text == nil then return nil end if type(text) == 'string' then text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, ",", "") end local j = tonumber(text) if j ~= nil then return j else return nil end end function export.is_number(frame) return export.get_number(frame:getParent().args[1]) end function export.is_hex_number(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local hex = args[1] if hex then hex =...")
- 23:20, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:data/interwikis (Inħolqot paġna b'"local data = {} local gsub = string.gsub local next = next local ulower = require("Module:string utilities").lower for _, interwiki in next, do data[ulower((gsub(interwiki.prefix, "_", " ")))] = interwiki.isCurrentWiki and "current" or interwiki.isLocal and "local" or "external" end return data")
- 23:19, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:data/namespaces (Inħolqot paġna b'"local data = {} local gsub = string.gsub local next = next local ulower = require("Module:string utilities").lower for _, namespace in next, do local prefix = ulower((gsub(, "_", " "))) data[prefix] = prefix for _, alias in next, namespace.aliases do data[ulower((gsub(alias, "_", " ")))] = prefix end end return data")
- 23:18, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:italics (Inħolqot paġna b'"local export = {} local m_string_utils = require("Module:string utilities") local find = m_string_utils.find local match = m_string_utils.match local gsub = m_string_utils.gsub function export.i(text) if text == "" or text == nil then return nil end if type(text) == "table" and text.args then text = text.args[1] end -- Remove whitespace from beginning and end of text. text = mw.text.trim(text) -- Find parenthesized text. local parenthesis = "" if fi...")
- 23:16, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:quote (Inħolqot paġna b'"--[=[ This module contains functions to implement quote-* templates. Author: Benwing2; conversion into Lua of {{quote-meta/source}} template, written by Sgconlaw with some help from Erutuon and Benwing2. The main interface is quote_t(). Note that the source display is handled by source(), which reads both the arguments passed to it *and* the arguments passed to the parent template, with the former overriding the latter. ]=] local export = {} -- Named constants...")
- 04:59, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:l (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:link) Tag: New redirect
- 04:57, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:link (Inħolqot paġna b'"<includeonly>{{#invoke:links/templates|l_term_t}}<!-- -->{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|RecentChanges||<!-- -->{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|und|Category:Undetermined language links}}<!-- -->}}<!-- --></includeonly><noinclude>{{link|en|term}}</noinclude>")
- 04:52, 29 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:mention (Inħolqot paġna b'"<includeonly>{{#invoke:links/templates|l_term_t|face=term}}<!-- -->{{#if:{{{lang|}}}|Category:m with lang}}<!-- -->{{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|RecentChanges||<!-- -->{{#ifeq:{{{1|}}}|und|Category:Undetermined language links}}<!-- -->}}<!-- --></includeonly><noinclude>{{mention|en|term}}</noinclude>")
- 04:26, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:Arguments (Inħolqot paġna b'"-- This module provides easy processing of arguments passed to Scribunto from -- #invoke. It is intended for use by other Lua modules, and should not be -- called from #invoke directly. local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local arguments = {} -- Generate four different tidyVal functions, so that we don't have to check the -- options every time we call it. local function tidyValDefault(key, val) if type(val) == 'string'...")
- 04:15, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:hyph (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:hyphenation) Tag: New redirect
- 04:05, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:labels/data/lang/en (Inħolqot paġna b'"local labels = {} ------------------------------------ North America ------------------------------------ labels["North America"] = { aliases = {"North American"}, display = "Canada, US", regional_categories = {"Canadian", "American"}, } labels["caricature Black"] = { display = "caricatures of Black speech", def = "any of various caricatures of Black speech by non-Black writers", aliases = {"caricature black", "a caricature of Black spe...")
- 04:01, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:label (Inħolqot paġna b'"{{#invoke:labels/templates|show}}")
- 04:01, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:labels/data/topical (Inħolqot paġna b'"local labels = {} -- This file is split into two sections: topical labels and labels for set-type categories. -- Each section is sorted alphabetically. -- Topical labels labels["ABDL"] = { display = "ABDL", topical_categories = true, } labels["Abrahamism"] = { display = "Abrahamism", topical_categories = true, } labels["accounting"] = { display = "accounting", topical_categories = true, } labels["acoustics"] = {...")
- 03:59, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:labels/data/regional (Inħolqot paġna b'"local labels = {} ------------------------------------------ Generic ------------------------------------------ --not sure where to put this labels["Classical"] = { aliases = {"classical"}, -- "ca", "fa", "id", la", "zh" handled in lang-specific module langs = {"ar", "az", "ja", "jv", "kum", "ms", "quc", "sa", "tl"}, special_display = "[[Classical <canonical_name>]]", regional_categories = true, } labels["Epigraphic"] = { langs = {"grc", "pgd", "pra", "sa"}, s...")
- 03:58, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:labels/data/qualifiers (Inħolqot paġna b'"local labels = {} -- Qualifiers and similar labels. -- NOTE: This module is loaded both by Module:labels and by Module:accent qualifier. -- Helper labels labels["_"] = { display = "", omit_preComma = true, omit_postComma = true, } labels[";"] = { omit_preComma = true, omit_postComma = true, omit_preSpace = true, } labels[":"] = { omit_preComma = true, omit_postComma = true, omit_preSpace = true, } labels["-"] = { -- hyphen omit_preComma = true,...")
- 03:57, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:labels/data (Inħolqot paġna b'"local labels = {} -- Grammatical labels labels["abbreviation"] = { display = "abbreviation", pos_categories = "abbreviations", } labels["abstract noun"] = { display = "abstract", glossary = true, pos_categories = "abstract nouns", } labels["acronym"] = { display = "acronym", pos_categories = "acronyms", } labels["active voice"] = { aliases = {"active", "in the active"}, glossary = true, } labels["ambitransitive"] = { display = "transitive, [[...")
- 03:54, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:labels/templates (Inħolqot paġna b'"local export = {} local labels_module = "Module:labels" -- Add tracking category for PAGE. The tracking category linked to is Wiktionary:Tracking/labels/PAGE. local function track(page) require("Module:debug/track")("labels/" .. page) end function local parent_args = frame:getParent().args local compat = (frame.args["compat"] or "") ~= "" and parent_args["lang"] local term_mode = (frame.args["term"] or "") ~= "" local params = { [1] =...")
- 02:41, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:topics (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:c) Tag: New redirect
- 02:41, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:C (Paġna rindirizzata lejn Mudell:c) Tag: New redirect
- 02:38, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Mudell:c (Inħolqot paġna b'"{{#invoke:utilities/templates|categorize|format=topic}}")
- 02:38, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:utilities/templates (Inħolqot paġna b'"local insert = table.insert local process_params = require("Module:parameters").process local export = {} -- Used by {{catfix}}. function export.catfix(frame) local args = process_params(frame:getParent().args, { [1] = {type = "language", required = true}, [2] = {alias_of = "sc"}, ["sc"] = {type = "script"}, }) return require("Module:utilities").catfix(args[1], end -- Used by {{categorize}}, {{catlangname}} and {{topics}}. function export.categori...")
- 00:32, 28 Novembru 2024 Protegmatic diskussjoni kontributi ħoloq il-paġna Module:families (Inħolqot paġna b'"local export = {} local json_module = "Module:JSON" local language_like_module = "Module:language-like" local languages_module = "Module:languages" local table_module = "Module:table" local gmatch = string.gmatch local insert = table.insert local ipairs = ipairs local load_data = mw.loadData local pairs = pairs local require = require local setmetatable = setmetatable local type = type --[==[ Loaders for functions in other modules, which overwrite themselves with the...")