Stampa:Flag of Spain.svg
Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 750 × 500 pixels. Riżoluzzjonijiet oħra: 320 × 213 pixels | 640 × 427 pixels | 1,024 × 683 pixels | 1,280 × 853 pixels | 2,560 × 1,707 pixels
Fajl oriġinali (Fajl fil-format SVG, dimensjoni nominali 750 × 500 pixel, dimensjoni tal-fajl: 152 KB)
Kronoloġija tal-fajl
Agħfas fuq il-grupp data/ħin biex tara l-fajl biex tara kif jidher dak il-ħin.
Data/Ħin | Minjatura | Qisien | Utent | Kumment | |
kurrenti | 20:54, 15 Jannar 2024 | 750 × 500 (152 KB) | Jmabel | per two edit requests on talk page | |
09:14, 22 Settembru 2014 | 750 × 500 (59 KB) | SiBr4 | Reduced code to 40% of previous version | ||
21:12, 11 Settembru 2012 | 750 × 500 (144 KB) | Odder | optimized version by Palosirkka | ||
09:50, 14 Lulju 2009 | 750 × 500 (230 KB) | Odder | updated with a version created by Fibonacci (see talk) | ||
09:36, 10 Lulju 2009 | 750 × 500 (311 KB) | Tryphon | Reverted to version as of 18:08, 4 December 2008: previous revision had a strange artifact on top of the left pilar. | ||
10:50, 14 Mejju 2009 | 750 × 500 (278 KB) | Artem Karimov | code cleanup | ||
18:08, 4 Diċembru 2008 | 750 × 500 (311 KB) | Skyluke | Svg 1.0 valid version | ||
04:14, 25 Marzu 2008 | 750 × 500 (310 KB) | Javitomad | Reverting | ||
04:11, 25 Marzu 2008 | 750 × 500 (310 KB) | Javitomad | Reverted to version as of :, 0 <> | ||
22:10, 24 Marzu 2008 | 744 × 496 (389 KB) | Tocacojones~commonswiki | Reverted to version as of 21:05, 27 October 2005 |
Użu tal-fajl
Aktar minn 100paġni jorbtu lejn dan il-fajl. Il-lista segwenti turi l-ewwel 100 paġni li jippuntaw lejn dan il-fajl. Lista sħiħa hija disponibbli.
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- pronunciaciones
- pronunciación
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- página
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- rosa
- rueda
- sangre
- sed
- segundo
- silabación
- silla
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- tenedor
- veinte
- índice
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- Użu fuq
- Użu fuq
- Użu fuq
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